About - ZenLeader

Women, Ditch the Corporate Chaos for Zen

Our holistic leadership program helps you unlock your limitless potential as a woman in business and life.

Be the boss of your mind, body, spirit, and bottom line.

Be a ZenLeader

ZenLeader Dr. Jodi Blinco

Women, Ditch the Corporate Chaos for Zen

Our holistic leadership program helps you unlock your limitless potential as a woman in business and life.

Be the boss of your mind, body, spirit, and bottom line.

Be a ZenLeader

Who We Are

At ZenLeader, we believe that empowering women to lead with confidence and grace is paramount to building thriving organizations and communities.

Learning how to lead others by first learning how to manage and lead ourselves is critical to breaking the glass ceiling and finding our way to the top without losing our sanity.

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Our Mission:

Help women discover their full potential, unlock their holistic leadership abilities, and create positive change in the world and in themselves.

Why We Started

It’s no secret that back-to-back Zoom Meetings, unmotivated employees, lack of performance structure, lofty goals not backed by resources, and a whole host of other things make being a leader in any organization challenging.

The office chaos caused by a million mismanaged moving parts spills over into your energy, causing chaos inside of you.

Operating in a state of unmanaged and constant chaos makes it challenging and nearly impossible to realize sustained success and move up the ranks. Add being a woman to the mix and if you make one emotional move amongst a board room of men, you are pretty quickly written off as not being able to cut it beyond your current role.

With an emphasis on holistic leadership, our program helps to develop the whole person behind the leader.

We’ve built ZenLeader to help women in the workplace develop personal and professional skills that will help them grow and thrive no matter the environment or conditions.

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How We Help

Through our masterclasses, coaching, experiences, and speaking offerings, we help women in leadership:

  • Navigate political office BS
  • Build a culture of “want to” instead of “have to”
  • Connect to your authentic self as a female leader
  • Move through challenging employee situations with grace and ease
  • Know how to make the numbers that matter move in the right direction

Explore Holistic Leadership Offerings

Hello! I’m Jodi

Serial entrepreneur, inspirational speaker, author, and educator, owning and operating several ventures that offer holistic wellness and professional development tools.

I’m also a woman with her own personal journey and challenges. I show up as my full, authentic self with my clients to get at the heart of their own transformations.

I’m a creator, businesswoman, and a tattooed, yoga-loving, wellness expert who goes beyond the surface-level nonsense in my everyday work.

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ZenLeader Companies

Real talk. Real experiences.
Real people. Real change.

That means we’re going to talk about difficult subjects. We’re going to be real. Honest. And that’s how we’re going to transform.

I acknowledge that challenges are a very real part of life. How we move through them is what makes leaders stand apart. And, this is how we build holistic leadership.

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